Ultimate VR PTY LTD

Terms of Service



We do not issue refunds for cancellations, change of mind or gift vouchers.


You have up to two weeks before a booking date to cancel or re-schedule your booking. Cancelled tickets will be credited to the purchaser's Zero Latency account. Bookings can only be cancelled at the discretion of Ultimate VR PTY LTD. If you have any issues with your booking leading up to your session, please contact us.


Sessions are booked back-to-back so you must arrive on time. We recommend that you arrive 10 minutes early to get a head start on the check-in, safety briefing, and suit-up process.

Split Team – When you haven’t booked the whole session

If you are part of a split team, we will start the safety briefing on time for all those in attendance. Due to strict time constraints, if the Game Master has started the suit-up process by the time you arrive for your session, we cannot allow you to join.

Whole Team – When all players in the session are your friends

If one of the members of your group is late, you have two options:

  1. You can start the game without them but if they do not arrive before you start the game, they cannot join

  2. You can wait for them to arrive but your in-game play will be cut short

If you arrive late you will not receive a credit or refund.


Children are not to be left unattended in the waiting area as Zero Latency staff members are not responsible for the safety or care of children.

If there is no one to supervise your child you will be unable to enter the game. You will not receive a credit or refund.


  • Players must be 13 years and over to play.

  • Players 13 yrs - 15 yrs old will need a guardian to co-sign the liability waiver.

  • Players under 16 years old must be supervised while on site.

  • Players under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted to play.

  • Glasses cannot be worn in this experience, for optimal fit, we strongly recommend wearing contact lenses. Our headsets have adjustment tabs under each lens so that players without contact lenses can adjust the focus of the headsets to compensate for approximately +1 to -3.8 diopters.